
The Top Eight Stress Reducers

Stress, anxiety and their physical effects, such as digestive upsets, tense muscles and insomnia, have become part of everyday life for many of us. The following remedies are particularly beneficial for calming symptoms naturally.

Its relaxing effect on the mind and body makes chamomile an excellent sedative for anxiety and muscle tenseness. Chamomile tea is the easiest way to enjoy its benefits.

An ideal tranquilizer, which has been shown to reduce anxiety and aggression. It is so effective at relieving anxiety while maintaining normal mental awareness, that you can still function at your mental peak without drowsiness, loss of consciousness or depression.

Effective for treating digestive discomfort, it relieves indigestion, flatulence, constipation and nausea. Peppermint is also a good mind tonic, helping to clear your head and boost concentration. It will also alleviate the symptoms of colds and influenza, while peppermint and chamomile tea is thought to be effective in reducing tension headaches and migraines.

Also called Hypericum perforatum, ST. John’s wort has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help relieve neuralgia and sciatica when applied topically. Systemically, its sedative properties are based on the glycoside hypericin (a red pigment), which makes it applicable for neurosis and irritability. Many herbalists use St. John’s wort extensively as a background remedy.

This herb acts specifically on the part of the vagus nerve that may interfere with the harmonious functioning of the heart and stomach. Recent research has indicated that the action of the volatile oil begins within the limbic system of the brain and subsequently operates directly upon the vagus nerve and all the organs that are supplied nerves by it. Therefore nervous exhaustion, migraine and nervous gastropathy are amenable to its healing power.

These are thought to be helpful in controlling anxiety and hyperacidity. They are also effective for treating insomnia, high blood pressure and for soothing muscles and nerves.

An effective mind tonic, which helps to alleviate headaches, migraine and depression.

Oats are one of the great herbal restorations of the nervous system. The plant contains a nervine alkaloid that is helpful in angina and in cardiac insufficiency. It has also been used in the treatment of addiction to morphine, narcotics, tobacco and alcohol.

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