
Health benefits of cabbage

Stir-fried, steamed, braised, stuffed or raw, cabbage is delicious. It doesn't matter what variety of cabbage you choose -Savoy, Chinese, red or white - this amazing family of plants has deservedly been known as the medicine of the poor since the Middle Ages.

Cabbage is rich in antibacterial sulfur compounds, which makes it valuable for chest infections and skin complaints like acne. It also contains healing mucilaginous substances similar to those produced by the mucous membrane of the gut and stomach for their own protection. Traditional European naturopaths used it to treat stomach ulcers. They prescribed one liter of fresh cabbage juice to be taken daily for ten days: a regime that really works.
Dark-green leaves not only contain iron but also lots of vitamin C, which helps the body absorb this essential mineral. Anyone with anemia and all women having periods should try to eat some form of cabbage at least five times a week. In addition, it's an excellent source of folic acid, which helps prevent birth defects and contains lots of betacarotene, which is important for healthy skin.


Health Buzz said...

Very well said... not many people are aware of the health benefits of this cruciferous vegetable. Informative post.

stevesmith said...

Thanks for sharing this unique infromation.. Really cabbage is very much helpful for health..

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